Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My roommate and I have been talking about whether, or not, anyone really knows what they're doing when it comes to development. Recently, our classes have discussed the different approaches to development. Are you more of a bottom-up person, or do you think top-down is more effective? We came to the determination that it is just too complicated to go with one clear-cut answer.

In December (or November) NPR's Planet Money had a podcast where they were wondering this same question, more specifically they wanted to know if donations to Haiti should be sent right to the people, or to the aid organizations. They set up two accounts: one for a struggling school who met in a church building (this school wanted to have their own building and books for the kids), the other account was for a women who thought she could set up her own small business if she had the money to obtain the initial resources. Sending money directly to the school was a complete failure, however the money sent to the women was a great success. What's that mean? Listening to the podcast I thought to myself, "that is so inconclusive! What's the answer to aid?".

The more I listen, and read about development, the more I believe there is no easy answer. What works for Haiti will not always work for Botswana. Similarly, there are differences between people and occupations that complicate matters more. The street vendors solution could be completely different than the farmers plans, and yet they could be the same. It sends my head spinning! Why couldn't there just be an easy answer?

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