Monday, January 24, 2011

7 Years in Tibet

Anyone reading this is probably a member of our India fs group and already knows we watched "7 years in Tibet," so I will refrain from recapping the movie. I thought is was facsinating to watch the transformation of the main character's attitude throughout the movie. After reading the "Culture Blends" article, it makes me wonder when this hiker began to accept a different culture. What made him change his mentality (because let's face it...he's a punk for the first half of the movie)? And as an American, I'm a little nervous of going into a new society and offending them with my "deficit" nature. I have been in situations with different cultures, and ways of life, but I was still on my "turf" so to speak. It's exciting to think that we're going to someone else's turf, culture, and timeframe. I guess I'll just have to keep my American perspectives in check :)

1 comment:

  1. I have yet to see this movie, but it sounds like a good one!
