Thursday, April 7, 2011

On and on...

I did my project presentation yesterday...and I feel like I could have talked forever. At first I thought, "10-12 minutes is an eternity," but then I got talking and there was so much information to share and so little time to share it all. Heck, I was going on like a motormouth. It was fun though because I finally realized how much we've been learning this semester, and that is encouraging. Little by little we keep building these projects. Somehow I feel like it's foreshadowing our experiences in the field. Little by little we'll be trying to enter the field and building relationships...and then we'll have to go home. But I think we'll be talking about these projects for a long, long time.


  1. Megan, I think you're absolutely right! I've been working on my project for a while now, and I've developed long and short explanations for when people ask about it. I loved the presentations mainly for the discussion afterward--the people in my class had excellent questions and we had a very robust discussion. I'm excited that you and I will get to discuss our projects while we're in the midst of them this summer!

  2. Hey we wrote our entries on kind of the same thing!!!

    The nice thing about taking a preparation class is not only to prepare ourselves mentally, but to prepare us to be able to make quick and sudden changes to our projects if needs be. The only way we can really do this is if we know our projects inside and out and can adjust it well enough to incorporate new things or leave out things that are no longer applicable or achievable. I'm really excited for our lives right now. - Julia
